Créer un Portefeuille Ethereum Subheading

Save your Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

DOWNLOAD Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

Do not lose it! It cannot be recovered if you lose it.

Do not share it! Your funds will be stolen if you use this file on a malicious/phishing site.

Make a backup! Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.

I understand. Continue.

Not Downloading a File?

  • Try using Google Chrome
  • Right click & save file as. Filename:

Don't open this file on your computer

  • Use it to unlock your wallet via MyEtherWallet (or Mist, Geth, Parity & other wallet clients.)

Guides & FAQ


Unlock your wallet to see your address

Print Paper Wallet
Your Address:
Private Key (unencrypted)

You arrived via a link that has the address, amount, gas or data fields filled in for you. You can change any information before sending. Unlock your wallet to get started.


Send Ether & Tokens

Warning! You do not have enough funds to complete this swap.

Please add more funds to your wallet or access a different wallet.

Advanced Users Only.
Current Rates

ETH = {{bity.curRate.ETHBTC*priceTicker.ETHBTC | number: 6}} BTC

ETH = {{bity.curRate.ETHREP*priceTicker.ETHREP | number: 6}} REP

BTC = {{bity.curRate.BTCETH*priceTicker.BTCETH | number: 6}} ETH

BTC = {{bity.curRate.BTCREP*priceTicker.BTCREP | number: 6}} REP

Your Information

{{swapOrder.fromVal}} {{swapOrder.fromCoin}}

Amount to send

{{swapOrder.toVal}} {{swapOrder.toCoin}}

Amount to receive

{{swapOrder.swapRate}} {{swapOrder.swapPair}}

Your rate

Start Swap
Your Information


Your reference number


Time remaining to send

Time elapsed since sent

{{orderResult.output.amount}} {{orderResult.output.currency}}

Amount to receive

{{swapOrder.swapRate}} {{swapOrder.swapPair}}

Your rate


Order Initiated


Waiting for your {{orderResult.input.currency}}...


{{orderResult.input.currency}} Received!


Sending your {{orderResult.output.currency}}
Waiting for 10 confirmations... Waiting for 1 confirmation...


Order Complete

Please send {{orderResult.input.amount}} {{orderResult.input.currency}} to address

Unlock your wallet to send ETH or Tokens directly from this page.
Warning! You are not connected to an ETH node.
Please use the node switcher in the top-right corner to switch to an ETH node. We do not support swapping ETC or Testnet ETH.
Warning! You do not have enough funds to complete this swap.

Please add more funds to your wallet or access a different wallet.

Advanced Users Only.

Orders that take too long will have to be processed manually & and may delay the amount of time it takes to receive your coins.
Please use the recommended TX fees seen here.

Issue with your Swap? Contact support

Click here if link doesn't work

Generate & Send Offline Transaction

Step 1: Generate Information (Online Computer)


Step 3: Send / Publish Transaction

Paste the signed transaction from Step 2


Read / Write Contract

{{ contract.address }}

Please change the address to your Multisig Address to your own address.

  1. Generate EOS Key-pair
  2. Register / Map your EOS Key
    • Select register
    • Enter your EOS Public Key <--- CAREFUL! EOS PUBLIC KEY!
    • Unlock wallet
    • Amount to Send: 0 · Gas Limit: at least 90000
  3. Fund EOS Contract on Send Page
    • Go to Send Ether & Tokens Page
    • Unlock same wallet you are unlocking here.
    • Send Amount you want to Contribute to 0xd0a6E6C54DbC68Db5db3A091B171A77407Ff7ccf
    • Gas Limit: at least 90000
  4. Claim EOS Tokens
    • Select claimAll.
    • Unlock wallet
    • Amount to Send: 0 · Gas Limit: at least 90000


Byte Code:


Raw Transaction

Signed Transaction


The Ethereum Name Service is a distributed, open, and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum blockchain. Once you have a name, you can tell your friends to send ETH to mewtopia.eth instead of 0x7cB57B5A97eAbe942......

The ENS is only available on the ETH and Ropsten (Testnet) chains. You are currently on the {{ajaxReq.type}} chain.
Please use the node switcher in the upper right corner to select "ETH" or "Ropsten".

What is the process like?

+- 1. Preparation
  • Decide which account you wish to own the name & ensure you have multiple backups of that account.
  • Decide the maximum amount of ETH you are willing to pay for the name (your Bid Amount). Ensure that account has enough to cover your bid + 0.01 ETH for gas.
+- 2. Start an Auction / Place a Bid
  • Bidding period lasts 3 days (72 hours).
  • You will enter the name, Actual Bid Amount, Bid Mask, which is protected by a Secret Phrase.
  • This places your bid, but this information is kept secret until you reveal it.
+- 3. Reveal your Bid
  • If you do not reveal your bid, you will not be refunded.
  • Reveal Period lasts 2 days (48 hours).
  • You will unlock your account, enter the Bid Amount, and the Secret Phrase.
  • In the event that two parties bid exactly the same amount, the first bid revealed will win.
+- 4. Finalize the Auction
  • Once the auction has ended (after 5 days / 120 hours), the winner needs to finalize the auction in order to claim their new name.
  • The winner will be refunded the difference between their bid and the next-highest bid. If you are the only bidder, you will refunded all but 0.01 ETH.
+- More Information

Knowledge Base: ENS  ·  Debugging a [BAD INSTRUCTION] Reveal

Please try the above before relying on support for reveal issues as we are severely backlogged on support tickets. We're so sorry. :(

{{}}.eth is not yet available.

{{}}.eth not available. (Forbidden)

Auction Open On


Auction Opens In


An auction has been started for {{}}.eth.

{{}}.eth is available!

Reveal Bids On



Auction Closes On



It's time to reveal the bids for {{}}.eth.
Current highest bid is {{objENS.highestBid}} ETH.

Auction Closes On



{{}}.eth is already owned: can be purchased through DomainSale

Name: {{}}.eth
Labelhash ({{}}): {{objENS.nameSHA3}}
Namehash ({{}}.eth): {{objENS.namehash}}
Owner: {{objENS.owner}}
Highest Bidder (Deed Owner): {{objENS.deedOwner}}
Resolved Address: {{objENS.resolvedAddress}}

Do you want {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to Start an Auction Do you want {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to Place a Bid Did you bid on {{}}.eth? You must reveal your bid now. Is that your address? Finalize the auction to claim your new name. Is that your address? It is ready to set up a resolver.

Place a Bid Start an Auction Reveal your Bid

-- 👆 enter automagically 👆 -- or -- 👇 enter manually 👇 --
Actual Bid Amount

You must remember this to claim your name later.

Bid Mask

This is the amount of ETH you send when placing your bid. It has no bearing on the *actual* amount you bid (above). It is simply to hide your real bid amount. It must be >= to your actual bid.

Secret Phrase

You must remember this to claim your name later (feel free to change this)

If you haven't done so already, please screenshot & save the below information.

Please check your address on to ensure your BID TX is on the blockchain, without errors.

Actual Bid Amount{{objENS.bidValue}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Bid Mask{{objENS.dValue}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Secret Phrase{{objENS.secret}}
From Account{{wallet.getChecksumAddressString()}}
⚠ Reveal Date ⚠{{getRevealTime().toString()}}
Auction Ends{{objENS.registrationDate.toString()}}

Copy and save this:

Click your TX hash to see if you successfully revealed your {{objENS.bidValue}} bid for {{}}.eth.

Please return on {{objENS.registrationDate.toString()}} to finalize the auction and see if you won!

Finalizing this name assigns the ENS name to the winning bidder. The winner will be refunded the difference between their bid and the next-highest bid. If you are the only bidder, you will refunded all but 0.01 ETH. Any non-winners will also be refunded.

This account is not the owner of {{}}.eth. Please unlock the Owner Account in order to resolve.
Name: {{}}.eth
Labelhash ({{}}): {{objENS.nameSHA3}}
Namehash ({{}}.eth): {{objENS.namehash}}
Owner: {{objENS.owner}}
Highest Bidder (Deed Owner): {{objENS.deedOwner}}
Resolved Address: {{objENS.resolvedAddress}}
Enter the address you would like this name to resolve to:

Set the Resolver for your Name

  1. Go to the contracts tab.
  2. Choose ENS - Registry: 0x314159265dD8dbb310642f98f50C066173C1259b. Click "Access".
  3. Select setResolver.
  4. Enter the Namehash of your name under "node (bytes32)".
    • node (bytes32): {{objENS.namehash}}
  5. Enter the Public Resolver Address under "resolver (address)".
    • resolver (address): 0x5FfC014343cd971B7eb70732021E26C35B744cc4
  6. Unlock the owner's account.
  7. Click WRITE.
  8. Generate and send this transaction – leave "Amount to Send" as 0
  9. TX should look like this.

Set the Address That your Name will Resolve To

  1. Go to the contracts tab.
  2. Choose ENS-Public Resolver: 0x5FfC014343cd971B7eb70732021E26C35B744cc4. Click "Access".
  3. Select setAddr.
  4. Enter the Namehash of your name under "node (bytes32)".
    • node (bytes32): {{objENS.namehash}}
  5. Enter the Address you would like to resolve to under "addr (address)".
    • addr (address): {{newResolvedAddress}}
  6. Unlock the owner's account.
  7. Click WRITE.
  8. Generate and send this transaction – leave "Amount to Send" as 0
  9. TX should look like this.

If you have used DomainSale to buy or sell domains and believe you have funds available for withdrawal you can enter your account address here and it will provide you with a balance

DomainSale is only available on the ETH and Ropsten (Testnet) chains. You are currently on the {{ajaxReq.type}} chain.
Please use the node switcher in the upper right corner to select "ETH" or "Ropsten".

How can I sell a domain?

+- 1. Transfer the domain to DomainSale
  • Before you sell a domain it must be transferred to DomainSale. This ensures that you own the domain and are eligible to sell it.
+- 2. Set immediate and/or auction prices
  • Decide if you want to make your domain available for immediate purchase, auction, or both.
    • If you want to make your domain available for immediate purchase you need to pick the price for which you will sell it.
    • If you want to make your domain available for auction you need to pick the price for which the initial bid will be made.
  • Please remember that 10% of the final sale fee will be given to referrers, and price accordingly.
+- 3. Finish the auction (if applicable)
  • If your domain was sold at auction then once the auction has closed you (or the buyer) need to finish the auction. This transfers the funds to you and the domain to the buyer.

How can I buy a domain?

+- 1. Obtain details of the sale
  • Search for the domain that you want to purchase using the check above and obtain the details of the sale.
    • Note that if the domain is not currently available for sale it might go on sale soon, so make sure to check frequently.
+- 2. Buy the domain outright by providing the purchase price
  • This step is only possible if the domain has a purchase price, otherwise proceed to step 3.
+- 3a. Bid on the domain
  • This step is only possible if the domain has been put up for auction.
+- 3b. Wait for the auction to finish
  • The auction will close 24 hours after the final bid. Note that if someone else places a bid on the name then you can place an additional bid.
+- 3c. Finish the auction
  • Once the auction has closed finish the auction to obtain control of the name.


+- More Information

{{}}.eth is not eligible for auction.

This domain has not yet been registered in ENS. You should check it out on the ENS tab to see its status, and bid for it if you want it.

{{}}.eth is not currently for sale.

{{}}.eth is ready to be put up for sale.

{{}}.eth is available for auction.

You can open an auction on this domain by bidding at least {{objDomainSale.reserveEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. The auction will remain open until 24 hours have passed without receiving any bids, at which point it will close and the winner can claim the name.

{{}}.eth is available for purchase.

You can buy this domain by paying {{objDomainSale.priceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. You will own the domain immediately.

{{}}.eth is available for purchase or auction.

You can buy this domain by paying {{objDomainSale.priceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. You will own the domain immediately. Alternatively you can open an auction on this domain by bidding at least {{objDomainSale.reserveEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. The auction will remain open until 24 hours have passed without receiving any bids, at which point it will close and the winner can claim the name.

{{}}.eth is being auctioned.

The current bid for this domain is {{objDomainSale.lastBidEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. It was placed by {{objDomainSale.lastBidder}}.

Auction finishes if no further bids received by



{{}}.eth auction finished

The auction for this domain was won by {{objDomainSale.lastBidder}} with a bid of {{objDomainSale.lastBidEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}.

{{objDomainSale.address}} has no balance

{{objDomainSale.address}} has balance of {{objDomainSale.balanceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}


Want a different wallet? Change it here. Do you own and want to sell {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to transfer the domain to DomainSale Do you own and want to set prices for {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to set buy and bid price Do you want to buy {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to buy it immediately Do you want to bid for {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to place a bid Do you want to buy or bid for {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to continue Do you want to bid for {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to place a bid Did you buy or sell {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to finish the auction Want to withdraw your funds? Unlock your Wallet to withdraw

Not the Owner of that Domain

The account you unlocked does not own that domain. Please change your wallet to account {{objDomainSale.deedOwner}} to transfer the name to DomainSale and start the sale process.

Transfer {{}}.eth to DomainSale

Click your TX hash to see if you successfully transferred {{}}.eth to DomainSale.

Incorrect Wallet

The wallet you unlocked does not own this name. Please use the wallet with address {{objDomainSale.seller}} to offer this name for sale.

Offer {{}}.eth for sale

Set either of both of the prices below to offer your domain for sale. Remember that any funds you have locked in the domain's deed will go to the buyer and 10% of the funds when sold goes to referrers.

Alter {{}}.eth offer

Change either of both of the prices below to alter your domain sale offer. Remember that any funds you have locked in the domain's deed will go to the buyer and 10% of the funds when sold goes to referrers.

Buy price

This is the price at which someone can buy the domain immediately. 0 means that the domain cannot be purchased immediately.

Reserve price

This is the price at which someone can start an auction for the domain. 0 means that the domain will not be available for auction.

Cancel your sale

You can cancel your domain sale, which will return the domain to you with no charge. This is only available before any bids have been received for the domain.

Purchase price{{objDomainSale.priceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Minimum bid{{objDomainSale.reserveEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Buy amount{{objDomainSale.buyEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Bid amount{{objDomainSale.bidEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}

Buy the domain

Spend {{objDomainSale.priceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}} to own the domain immediately.

Bid for the domain

You are currently winning this auction with the highest bid. You can bid higher fi you want, but it will delay the close of the auction for 24 hours.
Bid at least {{objDomainSale.minimumBidEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}} for the domain. You will win the domain if no higher bids are placed within the next 24 hours.
Note that the domain has a locked value of {{objDomainSale.valueEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. As part of the sale you will receive the deed with this value but cannot claim it unless you release the name.

Not related to that auction

This address is neither the winner nor the seller of the auction.

Finish the auction

Finish the auction to allocate the domain to the winner and the funds to the seller.

Click your TX hash to see if you successfully transferred {{}}.eth to DomainSale.

Withdraw funds

Withdraw {{objDomainSale.balanceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}} funds for {{wallet.getAddressString()}}

Click your TX hash to see if you successfully withdrew funds from DomainSale.

Wallet mismatch

The wallet you unlocked is for address {{wallet.getAddressString()}}. Please unlock the correct wallet to proceed.

View Wallet Details

This page allows you to download different versions of private keys and re-print your paper wallet. You may want to do this in order to [import your account into Geth/Mist]( If you want to check your balance, we recommend using a blockchain explorer like

Print Paper Wallet
Your Address:
Private Key (unencrypted)

Check TX Status

Transaction Found

{{ tx.hash }}

Transaction Not Found

Pending Transaction Found

Transaction Details

TX Hash {{ txInfo.hash }}
From Address {{ txInfo.from }}
To Address {{ }}
Amount {{ txInfo.valueStr }}
Nonce {{ txInfo.nonce }}
Gas Limit {{ txInfo.gasLimit }}
Gas Price {{ txInfo.gasPrice.gwei }} GWEI ({{ txInfo.gasPrice.wei }} WEI)
Data {{ }}

Cancel or Replace Transaction


Unlock your wallet to replace your transaction. (But, please be careful)

Warning! You do not have enough funds to complete this swap.

Please add more funds to your wallet or access a different wallet.

Advanced Users Only.
Please unlock the address {{ txInfo.from }}. Only this address can replace a TX.

Bulk Generate Wallets

Number of Wallets To Generate

Generate Wallets

Generate Wallets

Success! Your wallets have been generated.

**You need your Keystore File + password or Private Key** to access this wallet in the future. Please save & back it up externally! There is no way to recover a wallet if you do not save it. Read the [help page]( for instructions.
Address Identicon Address Private Key (unencrypted)

Save your Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

DOWNLOAD Keystore File (UTC / JSON)

Do not lose it! It cannot be recovered if you lose it.

Do not share it! Your funds will be stolen if you use this file on a malicious/phishing site.

Make a backup! Secure it like the millions of dollars it may one day be worth.

I understand. Continue.

Not Downloading a File?

  • Try using Google Chrome
  • Right click & save file as. Filename:

Don't open this file on your computer

  • Use it to unlock your wallet via MyEtherWallet (or Mist, Geth, Parity & other wallet clients.)

Guides & FAQ


Unlock your wallet to see your address

Print Paper Wallet
Your Address:
Private Key (unencrypted)

You arrived via a link that has the address, amount, gas or data fields filled in for you. You can change any information before sending. Unlock your wallet to get started.


Send Ether & Tokens

Warning! You do not have enough funds to complete this swap.

Please add more funds to your wallet or access a different wallet.

Advanced Users Only.
Current Rates

ETH = {{bity.curRate.ETHBTC*priceTicker.ETHBTC | number: 6}} BTC

ETH = {{bity.curRate.ETHREP*priceTicker.ETHREP | number: 6}} REP

BTC = {{bity.curRate.BTCETH*priceTicker.BTCETH | number: 6}} ETH

BTC = {{bity.curRate.BTCREP*priceTicker.BTCREP | number: 6}} REP

Your Information

{{swapOrder.fromVal}} {{swapOrder.fromCoin}}

Amount to send

{{swapOrder.toVal}} {{swapOrder.toCoin}}

Amount to receive

{{swapOrder.swapRate}} {{swapOrder.swapPair}}

Your rate

Start Swap
Your Information


Your reference number


Time remaining to send

Time elapsed since sent

{{orderResult.output.amount}} {{orderResult.output.currency}}

Amount to receive

{{swapOrder.swapRate}} {{swapOrder.swapPair}}

Your rate


Order Initiated


Waiting for your {{orderResult.input.currency}}...


{{orderResult.input.currency}} Received!


Sending your {{orderResult.output.currency}}
Waiting for 10 confirmations... Waiting for 1 confirmation...


Order Complete

Please send {{orderResult.input.amount}} {{orderResult.input.currency}} to address

Unlock your wallet to send ETH or Tokens directly from this page.
Warning! You are not connected to an ETH node.
Please use the node switcher in the top-right corner to switch to an ETH node. We do not support swapping ETC or Testnet ETH.
Warning! You do not have enough funds to complete this swap.

Please add more funds to your wallet or access a different wallet.

Advanced Users Only.

Orders that take too long will have to be processed manually & and may delay the amount of time it takes to receive your coins.
Please use the recommended TX fees seen here.

Issue with your Swap? Contact support

Click here if link doesn't work

Generate & Send Offline Transaction

Step 1: Generate Information (Online Computer)


Step 3: Send / Publish Transaction

Paste the signed transaction from Step 2


Read / Write Contract

{{ contract.address }}

Please change the address to your Multisig Address to your own address.

  1. Generate EOS Key-pair
  2. Register / Map your EOS Key
    • Select register
    • Enter your EOS Public Key <--- CAREFUL! EOS PUBLIC KEY!
    • Unlock wallet
    • Amount to Send: 0 · Gas Limit: at least 90000
  3. Fund EOS Contract on Send Page
    • Go to Send Ether & Tokens Page
    • Unlock same wallet you are unlocking here.
    • Send Amount you want to Contribute to 0xd0a6E6C54DbC68Db5db3A091B171A77407Ff7ccf
    • Gas Limit: at least 90000
  4. Claim EOS Tokens
    • Select claimAll.
    • Unlock wallet
    • Amount to Send: 0 · Gas Limit: at least 90000


Byte Code:


Raw Transaction

Signed Transaction


The Ethereum Name Service is a distributed, open, and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum blockchain. Once you have a name, you can tell your friends to send ETH to mewtopia.eth instead of 0x7cB57B5A97eAbe942......

The ENS is only available on the ETH and Ropsten (Testnet) chains. You are currently on the {{ajaxReq.type}} chain.
Please use the node switcher in the upper right corner to select "ETH" or "Ropsten".

What is the process like?

+- 1. Preparation
  • Decide which account you wish to own the name & ensure you have multiple backups of that account.
  • Decide the maximum amount of ETH you are willing to pay for the name (your Bid Amount). Ensure that account has enough to cover your bid + 0.01 ETH for gas.
+- 2. Start an Auction / Place a Bid
  • Bidding period lasts 3 days (72 hours).
  • You will enter the name, Actual Bid Amount, Bid Mask, which is protected by a Secret Phrase.
  • This places your bid, but this information is kept secret until you reveal it.
+- 3. Reveal your Bid
  • If you do not reveal your bid, you will not be refunded.
  • Reveal Period lasts 2 days (48 hours).
  • You will unlock your account, enter the Bid Amount, and the Secret Phrase.
  • In the event that two parties bid exactly the same amount, the first bid revealed will win.
+- 4. Finalize the Auction
  • Once the auction has ended (after 5 days / 120 hours), the winner needs to finalize the auction in order to claim their new name.
  • The winner will be refunded the difference between their bid and the next-highest bid. If you are the only bidder, you will refunded all but 0.01 ETH.
+- More Information

Knowledge Base: ENS  ·  Debugging a [BAD INSTRUCTION] Reveal

Please try the above before relying on support for reveal issues as we are severely backlogged on support tickets. We're so sorry. :(

{{}}.eth is not yet available.

{{}}.eth not available. (Forbidden)

Auction Open On


Auction Opens In


An auction has been started for {{}}.eth.

{{}}.eth is available!

Reveal Bids On



Auction Closes On



It's time to reveal the bids for {{}}.eth.
Current highest bid is {{objENS.highestBid}} ETH.

Auction Closes On



{{}}.eth is already owned: can be purchased through DomainSale

Name: {{}}.eth
Labelhash ({{}}): {{objENS.nameSHA3}}
Namehash ({{}}.eth): {{objENS.namehash}}
Owner: {{objENS.owner}}
Highest Bidder (Deed Owner): {{objENS.deedOwner}}
Resolved Address: {{objENS.resolvedAddress}}

Do you want {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to Start an Auction Do you want {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to Place a Bid Did you bid on {{}}.eth? You must reveal your bid now. Is that your address? Finalize the auction to claim your new name. Is that your address? It is ready to set up a resolver.

Place a Bid Start an Auction Reveal your Bid

-- 👆 enter automagically 👆 -- or -- 👇 enter manually 👇 --
Actual Bid Amount

You must remember this to claim your name later.

Bid Mask

This is the amount of ETH you send when placing your bid. It has no bearing on the *actual* amount you bid (above). It is simply to hide your real bid amount. It must be >= to your actual bid.

Secret Phrase

You must remember this to claim your name later (feel free to change this)

If you haven't done so already, please screenshot & save the below information.

Please check your address on to ensure your BID TX is on the blockchain, without errors.

Actual Bid Amount{{objENS.bidValue}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Bid Mask{{objENS.dValue}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Secret Phrase{{objENS.secret}}
From Account{{wallet.getChecksumAddressString()}}
⚠ Reveal Date ⚠{{getRevealTime().toString()}}
Auction Ends{{objENS.registrationDate.toString()}}

Copy and save this:

Click your TX hash to see if you successfully revealed your {{objENS.bidValue}} bid for {{}}.eth.

Please return on {{objENS.registrationDate.toString()}} to finalize the auction and see if you won!

Finalizing this name assigns the ENS name to the winning bidder. The winner will be refunded the difference between their bid and the next-highest bid. If you are the only bidder, you will refunded all but 0.01 ETH. Any non-winners will also be refunded.

This account is not the owner of {{}}.eth. Please unlock the Owner Account in order to resolve.
Name: {{}}.eth
Labelhash ({{}}): {{objENS.nameSHA3}}
Namehash ({{}}.eth): {{objENS.namehash}}
Owner: {{objENS.owner}}
Highest Bidder (Deed Owner): {{objENS.deedOwner}}
Resolved Address: {{objENS.resolvedAddress}}
Enter the address you would like this name to resolve to:

Set the Resolver for your Name

  1. Go to the contracts tab.
  2. Choose ENS - Registry: 0x314159265dD8dbb310642f98f50C066173C1259b. Click "Access".
  3. Select setResolver.
  4. Enter the Namehash of your name under "node (bytes32)".
    • node (bytes32): {{objENS.namehash}}
  5. Enter the Public Resolver Address under "resolver (address)".
    • resolver (address): 0x5FfC014343cd971B7eb70732021E26C35B744cc4
  6. Unlock the owner's account.
  7. Click WRITE.
  8. Generate and send this transaction – leave "Amount to Send" as 0
  9. TX should look like this.

Set the Address That your Name will Resolve To

  1. Go to the contracts tab.
  2. Choose ENS-Public Resolver: 0x5FfC014343cd971B7eb70732021E26C35B744cc4. Click "Access".
  3. Select setAddr.
  4. Enter the Namehash of your name under "node (bytes32)".
    • node (bytes32): {{objENS.namehash}}
  5. Enter the Address you would like to resolve to under "addr (address)".
    • addr (address): {{newResolvedAddress}}
  6. Unlock the owner's account.
  7. Click WRITE.
  8. Generate and send this transaction – leave "Amount to Send" as 0
  9. TX should look like this.

If you have used DomainSale to buy or sell domains and believe you have funds available for withdrawal you can enter your account address here and it will provide you with a balance

DomainSale is only available on the ETH and Ropsten (Testnet) chains. You are currently on the {{ajaxReq.type}} chain.
Please use the node switcher in the upper right corner to select "ETH" or "Ropsten".

How can I sell a domain?

+- 1. Transfer the domain to DomainSale
  • Before you sell a domain it must be transferred to DomainSale. This ensures that you own the domain and are eligible to sell it.
+- 2. Set immediate and/or auction prices
  • Decide if you want to make your domain available for immediate purchase, auction, or both.
    • If you want to make your domain available for immediate purchase you need to pick the price for which you will sell it.
    • If you want to make your domain available for auction you need to pick the price for which the initial bid will be made.
  • Please remember that 10% of the final sale fee will be given to referrers, and price accordingly.
+- 3. Finish the auction (if applicable)
  • If your domain was sold at auction then once the auction has closed you (or the buyer) need to finish the auction. This transfers the funds to you and the domain to the buyer.

How can I buy a domain?

+- 1. Obtain details of the sale
  • Search for the domain that you want to purchase using the check above and obtain the details of the sale.
    • Note that if the domain is not currently available for sale it might go on sale soon, so make sure to check frequently.
+- 2. Buy the domain outright by providing the purchase price
  • This step is only possible if the domain has a purchase price, otherwise proceed to step 3.
+- 3a. Bid on the domain
  • This step is only possible if the domain has been put up for auction.
+- 3b. Wait for the auction to finish
  • The auction will close 24 hours after the final bid. Note that if someone else places a bid on the name then you can place an additional bid.
+- 3c. Finish the auction
  • Once the auction has closed finish the auction to obtain control of the name.


+- More Information

{{}}.eth is not eligible for auction.

This domain has not yet been registered in ENS. You should check it out on the ENS tab to see its status, and bid for it if you want it.

{{}}.eth is not currently for sale.

{{}}.eth is ready to be put up for sale.

{{}}.eth is available for auction.

You can open an auction on this domain by bidding at least {{objDomainSale.reserveEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. The auction will remain open until 24 hours have passed without receiving any bids, at which point it will close and the winner can claim the name.

{{}}.eth is available for purchase.

You can buy this domain by paying {{objDomainSale.priceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. You will own the domain immediately.

{{}}.eth is available for purchase or auction.

You can buy this domain by paying {{objDomainSale.priceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. You will own the domain immediately. Alternatively you can open an auction on this domain by bidding at least {{objDomainSale.reserveEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. The auction will remain open until 24 hours have passed without receiving any bids, at which point it will close and the winner can claim the name.

{{}}.eth is being auctioned.

The current bid for this domain is {{objDomainSale.lastBidEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. It was placed by {{objDomainSale.lastBidder}}.

Auction finishes if no further bids received by



{{}}.eth auction finished

The auction for this domain was won by {{objDomainSale.lastBidder}} with a bid of {{objDomainSale.lastBidEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}.

{{objDomainSale.address}} has no balance

{{objDomainSale.address}} has balance of {{objDomainSale.balanceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}


Want a different wallet? Change it here. Do you own and want to sell {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to transfer the domain to DomainSale Do you own and want to set prices for {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to set buy and bid price Do you want to buy {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to buy it immediately Do you want to bid for {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to place a bid Do you want to buy or bid for {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to continue Do you want to bid for {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to place a bid Did you buy or sell {{}}.eth? Unlock your Wallet to finish the auction Want to withdraw your funds? Unlock your Wallet to withdraw

Not the Owner of that Domain

The account you unlocked does not own that domain. Please change your wallet to account {{objDomainSale.deedOwner}} to transfer the name to DomainSale and start the sale process.

Transfer {{}}.eth to DomainSale

Click your TX hash to see if you successfully transferred {{}}.eth to DomainSale.

Incorrect Wallet

The wallet you unlocked does not own this name. Please use the wallet with address {{objDomainSale.seller}} to offer this name for sale.

Offer {{}}.eth for sale

Set either of both of the prices below to offer your domain for sale. Remember that any funds you have locked in the domain's deed will go to the buyer and 10% of the funds when sold goes to referrers.

Alter {{}}.eth offer

Change either of both of the prices below to alter your domain sale offer. Remember that any funds you have locked in the domain's deed will go to the buyer and 10% of the funds when sold goes to referrers.

Buy price

This is the price at which someone can buy the domain immediately. 0 means that the domain cannot be purchased immediately.

Reserve price

This is the price at which someone can start an auction for the domain. 0 means that the domain will not be available for auction.

Cancel your sale

You can cancel your domain sale, which will return the domain to you with no charge. This is only available before any bids have been received for the domain.

Purchase price{{objDomainSale.priceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Minimum bid{{objDomainSale.reserveEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Buy amount{{objDomainSale.buyEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}
Bid amount{{objDomainSale.bidEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}

Buy the domain

Spend {{objDomainSale.priceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}} to own the domain immediately.

Bid for the domain

You are currently winning this auction with the highest bid. You can bid higher fi you want, but it will delay the close of the auction for 24 hours.
Bid at least {{objDomainSale.minimumBidEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}} for the domain. You will win the domain if no higher bids are placed within the next 24 hours.
Note that the domain has a locked value of {{objDomainSale.valueEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}}. As part of the sale you will receive the deed with this value but cannot claim it unless you release the name.

Not related to that auction

This address is neither the winner nor the seller of the auction.

Finish the auction

Finish the auction to allocate the domain to the winner and the funds to the seller.

Click your TX hash to see if you successfully transferred {{}}.eth to DomainSale.

Withdraw funds

Withdraw {{objDomainSale.balanceEth}} {{ajaxReq.type}} funds for {{wallet.getAddressString()}}

Click your TX hash to see if you successfully withdrew funds from DomainSale.

Wallet mismatch

The wallet you unlocked is for address {{wallet.getAddressString()}}. Please unlock the correct wallet to proceed.

View Wallet Details

This page allows you to download different versions of private keys and re-print your paper wallet. You may want to do this in order to [import your account into Geth/Mist]( If you want to check your balance, we recommend using a blockchain explorer like

Print Paper Wallet
Your Address:
Private Key (unencrypted)

Check TX Status

Transaction Found

{{ tx.hash }}

Transaction Not Found

Pending Transaction Found

Transaction Details

TX Hash {{ txInfo.hash }}
From Address {{ txInfo.from }}
To Address {{ }}
Amount {{ txInfo.valueStr }}
Nonce {{ txInfo.nonce }}
Gas Limit {{ txInfo.gasLimit }}
Gas Price {{ txInfo.gasPrice.gwei }} GWEI ({{ txInfo.gasPrice.wei }} WEI)
Data {{ }}

Cancel or Replace Transaction


Unlock your wallet to replace your transaction. (But, please be careful)

Warning! You do not have enough funds to complete this swap.

Please add more funds to your wallet or access a different wallet.

Advanced Users Only.
Please unlock the address {{ txInfo.from }}. Only this address can replace a TX.

Bulk Generate Wallets

Number of Wallets To Generate

Generate Wallets

Generate Wallets

Success! Your wallets have been generated.

**You need your Keystore File + password or Private Key** to access this wallet in the future. Please save & back it up externally! There is no way to recover a wallet if you do not save it. Read the [help page]( for instructions.
Address Identicon Address Private Key (unencrypted)